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Juega sin tabaco

El EQUIPO estĆ” aquĆ­ para apoyar a su instalaciĆ³n recreativa al aire libre ayudĆ”ndolo a designar su Ć”rea de juegos/parque/recreaciĆ³n comunitaria/espacio verde como libre de tabaco.

Why tobacco-free parks?

  • There is no safe limit of exposure to secondhand smoke, even outdoors.

  • Cigarette waste is the most littered item on the planet and is dangerous for children & animals.

  • Tobacco-free environments promote positive role modeling and protect the health, safety and welfare of community members.

ā€‹Si decide considerar una polĆ­tica de parque/Ć”rea de juegos libre de tabaco; Estamos aquĆ­ para ayudar.


Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios sin cargo:

  • PolĆ­ticas de muestra

  • Materiales educativos

  • SeƱalizaciĆ³n


Si estĆ” interesado en alguno de nuestros recursos gratuitos, envĆ­e un correo electrĆ³nicoInfo@TEAMTobaccoFree.orgo llĆ”menos al 402-593-3022. 

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Would you like a tool kit that has everything you need to run a successful tobacco litter clean-up in your Cass or Sarpy County Community? Complete form below and T.E.A.M. will supply you with a kit to Bag the Butts while supplies last. 

Instalaciones recreativas al aire libre libres de humo del condado de Sarpy/Cass

You truly can make a difference. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us at


11111 S 84th Street

Papillion, NE 68046

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